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Dan Francis of Fargo

Dan Francis, Fargo ND


Artist Name: Dan Francis

Hometown: West Fargo, ND

Art Styles Produced: Photography and Photo Illustrations

What are your favorite quotes related to art?
"When we surround ourselves with Excellence, it promotes excellence in us."
  - Brooke Jenson

"You've got to push yourself harder. You've got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You've got to take the tools you have and probe deeper."
 - William Albert Allard (National Geographic Photographer)

"When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who is your artistic inspiration / idol?
Ever since art in 7th grade, I've enjoyed the work of Salvador Dali and later in life I really enjoyed Norman Rockwell's storytelling work.

What is unique about your work?
I think what makes me unique as a photographer is my use of light, storytelling and editing ability and using photoshop as a tool and not a crutch towards my images. When I create an image, I'm putting 13 years of experience into the images. all my classes, late night educational reading, everything into what I do.

What is your professional goal?
To keep excelling, to keep pushing myself to make images I couldn't have done a year earlier. to build a body of work that excites people and gets them thinking.

What work do you most enjoy doing?
I really enjoy thinking of an overall idea, and pursuing that idea to its full extent thinking about how I will light, pose and create the finished piece.


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