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Michelle Sailer
Sailer Art
Artist Name: Michelle Sailer
Hometown: Fargo, ND
Art Styles Produced: CELLebrate Series
Cells are known as the building blocks of all organisms. We have oodles of them in our body. We don't think much about them until something goes wrong like CANCER. Cancer is all around us. We have friends and family dealing with this diagnosis. We attend benefits, fundraisers and silent auctions to help support someone with the disease in a way that medicine can't. This result, the sometimes staggering personal expenses that come with fighting cancer, devastates many families. Even with insurance many struggle with bills that mount from time off of work, travel for treatment, and other expenses that insurance doesn't "cover."
My obsession with creating cell art began back in 2009 when a colleague was diagnosed with breast cancer. As an art teacher, I served as a facilitator to help her class make a get well gift for her. We decided to give her the gift of "healthy cells."
CELLebrate was born!
"Healthy" cells, created in each of the cancer awareness colors, are the theme of this series. Creating this cell art allows me a vehicle to express myself and make sense of this disease.
As an art educator, my belief is that art is integrated into every part of our life. One can take a concept as simple as a cell, and turn it into a piece of art that has a much deeper message. And in the case of CELLebrate, my hope is that it will impact others to join the fight against cancer. I don't know the final mission of my art but I do know that I feel moved to contribute to the fight against cancer. As an artist, I hope to create pieces that will motivate others to do the same.
As I walk on this journey to make one piece of cell art in each of the cancer awareness colors, my life collides with those who share their stories. I listen to each one and it prompts me forward. Each story tucked away as I research the next type of cancer and figure out a new plan of building healthy cells into a piece of art. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone left without a cancer story to tell?
If you wish to learn more about my art you can visit my web page or email me. My dream is to use my art to fund cancer research and treatment.
-Michelle Sailer
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