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Ryan Fritz
The Art of Ryan M. Fritz
Artist Name: Ryan Fritz
Hometown: Fargo, North Dakota
Art Styles Produced: Currently working in abstract paintings but equally passionate about portrait work. Also work in realism when time and patience are in abundant supply. Currently working in acrylics primarily but also works in oil, charcoal and more.
What is your favorite quote related to art?
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
Why do you do what you do?
I have always had a passion for design and art. I found that I need a creative outlet in my life to find happiness - or peace.
What role does the artist have in society, as well as the Fargo’s culture?
Art plays an essential role in our lives. Certainly for the maker. When making art, as Picasso alludes to, I’m allowed a moment to wash away the dust of daily life from my soul. Art and creativity are essential to provide every individual an opportunity to experience inspiration. Art and design can be found in everyday things like architecture and in nature. Without art and creativity in Fargo or society in general, life simply becomes boring.
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